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Traditional Witchcraft Foundation Class

Introduction and Information 


  • Introduction

  • Course Syllabus

  • Calendar

  • Pricing

  • How to enroll

Within this online class you will undertake the foundation in tradition witchcraft with "how to, hands on" classes, shown in great detail out on locations when the weather allows us, we will undertake each aspect just as you should. The course is a "how to" class that builds a solid foundation in traditional witchcraft which is a non wiccan non religious based old craft tradition. 


In this class we build a strong foundation to allow you to grow your craft. Once you understand all aspects of this foundation the rest of the workings will fall in to place. Its a guided class that allows you to develop the right skill sets to practice safely.

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We will step in to the crooked path of the cunning folk of old, of traditional witchcraft from a point that's been taught to myself by other Cornish witches and Pellers. The path is based on the bewitching Traditional Witchcraft practice however I have made it easy to understand so anyone around the world can undertake each aspect of the class. The class will teach you all the hands on tips and techniques and the fundamental necessities so you can can start your journey into the thorny realm of traditional witchcraft. Learn to work your own personal practice from folklore and create the right tools, working the rituals, spells, charms of the traditional path often refed to as the crooked path and understand how to use them, empower them and call them into use. 


Steve gives full support on all platforms for advice and helps navigate your own path helping you learn and master the basics to advanced practices.


The course offers live learning with one to one classes, larger group classes and full class video archive so you can watch each part multiple times. The course comes in a downloadable how to manual with recommended reading lists for further study once the class has ended. 


When it comes to tools I will walk you through each part in great details, such as you will join me on a virtual explore of the wild woods as I show you how to make natural glues from tree saps, we will make many items as we find what we need in the wild, that of bones, witch pins, a wand, stang and more. In the course we will make a witches knife, making the handles and fitting a blade plus so much more. By the end of this class you will have all the tools needed to work along with the understanding behind each foundational skill. 

Course Syllabus 

We will call a compass round, explaining all aspects, what each part represents, how to open and close to spirit, how to work with spirits, spirit familiars and how to find one. You will make oils, incenses, carry out rituals of low magic, learn of the cunning path and the folk traditions. By the time we are done you will understand the all aspects of traditions witchcraft, how to use your own "witch power" inner energy and how spells, cursing, hexing, banishing, healing works along with protection and safety, dealing with spirits and high and low vibrations. You will learn the art of making witchcraft tools for divinations, witches bones, stones and the slumber pins, tools of the land. During our section on magical practice we will look at ethics, how to avoid cursing ones self, reversing magic along with protection magic, healing and the foundation steps in being able to empower the magic at hand, the fuel to drive the spell and how to tap sources of energy to boost your workings. We will be looking at spirit work, how spirits operate and how to work with them, what they want in return and the offerings we will make, looking pacts and contracts and making these before we move in to the calling of a familiar spirit before we delve deep into the fetch spirit and fetch folklore before we prepare to start the calling of the fetch. 


We operate a series of videos that you can watch as many times as you like and practice and access on all devices. During that video live stream I am available for like Q&A after the stream to cover any topic in further detail. You will only have access to that section of videos at one time until the course has ended then you have full access to the entire course. This stops you from jumping ahead and missing vital information. After a series of videos you will have a task, this will be further home study, collecting materials as shown in the course as we will be making tools to charms along with setting up the traditional witches altar, ancestors altar or shrine. Normal the home study will have a download file with all the information needed to carry out the study at home.


Below you will see the basis for the lessons, sadly I cant put up every aspect as some people choose to use my teachings and base books on my course, sometimes word for word. So here is a brief overview of the classes.


Part 1: The Foundation of Traditional Witchcraft​

  • Introduction to the class and how it works (live class)

  • Is witchcraft dangerous and if so in what way? (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • Historical and folk traditions (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • How traditional witchcraft was created (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • Defining traditional witchcraft (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • Cornish Traditional Witchcraft (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • Protection, the foundation of safety (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • Practical (home study and practice, see the download for full information)


Part 2: Working the Ways of traditional witchcraft 

  • Ethics in witchcraft (live Q&A)

  • Blood, bones, baneful plants and herbs (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • Gathering of tool materials (home study and practice, see the download for full information)


Part 3 : Tools of The Traditional Witch

  • The tools of the traditional witch, a look at each tool and uses (recoded videos with live Q&A)

  • The lesser known tools and forgotten tools (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • How to make each tool (series of recorded videos)


Part 4:

  • The intent of magic and how it works (recoded video with live Q&A)

  • The divine flame of protection

  • Hallowing of a working space and tools




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