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Collecting Graveyard Dirt - WARNING!

Updated: Jun 5

Graveyard Dirt
Graveyard Dirt by Stevie from Exploring Witchcraft

By request from the amazing @the_barefoot_witch_ as we have many new witchlings getting themselves into some nasty hauntings and attachments by not understanding the basics of requiring GRAVEYARD DIRT..

Graveyard dirt is very popular especially within hoodoo and traditional witchcraft and folkloric witchcraft but there is way more to it that sneaking into the graveyard under the cover of a moonless night and gathering dirt. Halloween is almost here and most visit a graveyard to collect dirt during this night or full moon night depending on its intended use.

I always make sure the spirit wards allow me to enter the graveyard. This is the first thing to understand is that a graveyard is protected, often by the first person buried in the land or animals buried like large dogs which can attack, growl and are seen as fleeting black shadows which do their job of watching over the dead. We must always let the spirit wards know what we plan to do in a graveyard and ask permission before entering..

Now graveyard dirt has different uses. I once used graveyard dirt during a feud to end a nasty curse, the soil came from the grave of an ancestor to the person that was to lift a curse that had affected the family line. It can be used in cursing to protecting or divination and communicating with the dead depending on whose grave dirt you use.

Graveyard Dirt, Witchcraft

Now the grave you get the dirt from can really affect the outcome but more importantly your mental state due to a violent haunting. Always know the grave you take the dirt from, always spend time, ask and leave an offering. I often sit in the graveyard before hand look for my sign. Sometimes I have to come back a few times and wait for a sign to know which grave to use. Even then I need to watch out, you can end up with attachments even if the spirits allow you to take the dirt, it could have other plans and want to experience life once again by living of your life source. I always follow my gut and if it feels bad, it is bad. Leave, look somewhere else.

If you ignore your instinct and took the dirt from a violent person's grave, an abuser, a person who's religious views may see you as a danger and to be stopped, let's face it you're a witch and some think we should be killed for what we are. I actually seen this happen during a violent haunting where the spirit of an older lady who passed in the 1960's haunted a guy that was harvesting her graveyard dirt and selling it online which caused many issues in his life and home.

If you really feel you need the dirt, then it could be wise to find a tree in the graveyard and again ask the tree and spirits if it's OK to take some dirt. Always make an offering, alcohol is always good, honey and sweets, cigarettes or tobacco, coins to toys. It's just depends on the grave you select. If you visit my grave when I go, bring a beer, cider or surf wax. All will be good 😂.

One thing you should know about older unused graveyards is that they sometime have lower vibrational entities known as death demons. These are inhuman energy forms that feed on sadness, misery and negative low vibrational energy and once the graveyard is no longer being used they will try and hitch a ride out of there and you don't want them in your life or home. They will attach to items used in the graveyard. Ghost Hunters are prone to such attachments after using EMF meters, Ouija boards and so on.

Now taking anything from a graveyard can get you arrested for desecration. So be warned.

You could buy it from a reputable source such as the Ye Old Witchcraft Shoppe.

But if you must go for graveyard dirt then follow these rules.

Rule 1 - If you have a bad vibe before going, don't go!

Rule 2 - Before you enter ask the spirit wards if its ok to enter, explain your intent

Rule 3 - Don't take dirt, dust, stone anything from a specific grave unless your experienced, find a tree and take it from there, be warned that taking it from a graveyard cross roads can be extremely bad. Negative things hang out at the crossroads, often lost souls looking to to attach themselves to people and when collecting, use a silver spoon, wear gloves!

Rule 4 - Only take what you need and replace it with a offering!

Rule 5 - If you feel like you should not be there, place the dirt back and apologies and leave.

Rule 6 - Always walk out the graveyard backwards.

Rule 7 - Once outside, stamp your feet 3 times and ask for any spirits that should not be around you to please leave!

Rule 8 - Change your shoes and clothing before driving away or going into your home. These items will contain dirt from the graveyard and you do not want anything spiritually attached to you entering your home no matter how protected you are.

Follow @exploringwitchcraft for more.

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